Actually, the main reason I wanted to know was so that I could play around with it and see how it acts differently. I keep hearing people say to just adjust the needle height, so I figured I oughtta know how to do it.
I can tell my bike gets more air when the cover is off, by the way it sputters more in the midrange rpm, so I'd like to see if I can compensate for that by needle height. I want to understand why it does what it does so I can tune it myself instead of just asking everybody else what I should do. I want to get it dialed in at the stock settings so that when I do change things, I know what it should feel like.
I'm glad to keep talking about my bike, but I want you guys to know what I've got and what my plans are. I just finished rebuilding the engine- cylinder hone and new rings. I also did some mild porting ala Hondaman and from a few other threads on here. Mainly just cleaning things in the head up a bit. While at it, I dropped in a 650 cam, so on the whole, my bike should already be getting more air than it did before the rebuild. I am waiting on a Kerker 4-1 pipes to show up, but I'd like to have a baseline established before I start tuning for those. I ordered one set of extra jets, but it was just a shot in the dark guess on size. Stock size for my the carbs I have is 90, so I ordered 105's. I don't want to put them in until I have the pipes on, as I feel it might be too much of a jump right now.
I'd love to someday do pods. Pods are not an answer to my problems. I don't want a race bike, I want a quick weekend cruiser that I can ride to work without being uncomfortable. I'm not against them, I think they look great. Long story short, I can't afford it right now, especially because if I'm going to put them on, I'm going to do it right. For me, that means K&N filters, and another retune.
Thanks a ton for your input, it is definately helpful. I haven't checked about a local shop with jets, the one that might actually have them is about a 30-40 drive to get there, and it's in a direction I rarely go, so it's almost easier to have UPS drop them off.