Son of a.... You can NEVER take enough photos is the lesson I am learning right now. I took the carbs apart laid them out neatly in what I thought was an organized manner but let a few days go by and WHAM you won't remember a thing. What I am having trouble finding a home for is this little washer:

I looked in the blown apart parts manual and the shop manual and I can't find where this little guy goes. TAKE MORE BEFORE, DURING, AND AFTER PHOTOS!
On another note I got my new/old wiring harness in the mail today and I learned another lesson. When ordering something over the phone ask VERY specific questions. I asked about the condition of the harness and the response I got was VERY cut wires...complete. He failed to mention that the plastic connectors were crap.

I looked at connector kits online at Z1 and Vintage Connections and their harness rebuild kits are pretty expensive and they didn't have in stock the connectors I needed so I just bought another old harness. Does anyone else know a source for these connectors?
I also discovered why that spent shell casing was stuffed in the fuel line on the petcock; this isn't the stock petcock. This petcock has two fuel outlets and from what I can tell the original had a single outlet. Can anyone confirm this? Also can anyone suggest a good aftermarket petcock that will work? The prices for used petcocks and NOS seem ridiculous to me.

...AND I can't believe it but I found a picture of EXACTLY what I was talking about doing with Nighthawk I think it looks AWESOME!!! Gotta love the Internet!!!

By the way the shell casing has a 54 on it...never heard of a .54....