The tacho is 20:3 or 6.67. The 350/400/500/550 are all the same. The CB750 is 4:1
In the case of the 550 - 10,000 rpm at the crankshaft means the cable turns at 1500rpm and the tacho reads 10,000.
Most honda tachos are driven from the camshaft which turns at 1/2 crankshaft speed. Thus there is inherently a 2:1 ratio anyway and the difference is through the tacho drive gears
The speedo is 2240rpm (at the cable) =60mph (or 1400rpm = 60kph)
Most speedos of the time were the same (Honda, Suzuki Yamaha,etc) and also a lot of newer speedos.
Providing you use the original speedo drive on the wheel it will not matter whether you use a 16 or 19 inch wheel-it should still read the correct speed.
Where problems occur is when the rim is changed for a different size to the original for that wheel/speedo drive