in forest acres (the unincorporated part of columbia i live in) allows golf carts on the road for short distances as long as theyre equipped like a car with headlights, tail lights and brake lights, horn and turn signals. well, i was mowing the front lawn this afternoon when a golfcart goes past me in the opposite direction i'm moving in, an instant later i hear a bang! i turn around and 2 golf carts had a head on collision, not moving real fast and the 2 old gents didnt appear to be hurt................yet. they both got out of their ez-go's, looked at the damage (negligble) and started arguing. it wasnt long before the first punch was thrown and they went down grappling with each other throwing punches and a cane in on gents case. i thought i ought to go over and try to put a stop to it before they hurt each other. i'm in oretty bad shape but hell, they look to be about 131 years old each so what could happen right? i got bonked in the balls with a cane. i went back to the house to call the cops but they showed up as i was walking up the hweelchair ramp. i went back down and officer marshall said to me " usually we use a little pepper spray to break up a fight, then a taser if they continue but i cant exactly do that in this case. well the elderly gents got tired pretty fast and officer marshall called for an ambulance (there were 2 bloody noses and one was pretty close to passing out) officer marshall just stopped by to let me know neither had a heart attack and other than one with a broken nose, no injuries either. since they werent hurt, it was funny as hell, except for the ball shot i took.