A SOHC group ride has taken place before so no reason why it cant be done again.
In 2004 I organised a SOHC group ride to recreate the Easy Rider route seen in the movie. We had 10 bikes take part - 9 SOHCs (mixture of choppers, stockers and cafe bikes - one 550 and the rest 750s) and one cafe Harley. We had international SOHCers how came for it -from Scotland, England and Germany as well as SOHC riders from East, West and Mid-USA. Trip lasted 16 days and 5400 miles. Very cheap as well ~$700 per person (gas, food and lodging and beer money).
The route started at LAX and we rode along Rt 66 to Barstow,CA via Angels Highway and then onwards to the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, 4-corners, New Mexico, Texas, Ozark mountains of Arkansas, then down by the side of the Missouri River to New Orleans. We even met back up 6 months later to do Mardis Gras

All the details and photos are here:
www.easyridertrip.deStarting at LAX

10 bikers and two hotel rooms - Barstow, CA
