Author Topic: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.  (Read 3304 times)

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Offline 78_SaltLick

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Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« on: September 19, 2005, 06:40:43 AM »
So ive taken my bike to work the last couple of days, this is a new thing for me i havent ridden bikes for about 15 years. My work is about an hours drive one way, i have to hop on the freeway for a bit then its off to back roads so im really having fun.  What i have noticed is this: PEOPLE DRIVE WAY TOO CLOSE TO ME. Anyone else notice that? I guess its because im in commuter traffic, people rushing to and from work. Yesterday i had people get right up on my ass, i am on the backroads mostly, and just getting use to this bike i got this weekend so i aint going too fast, but i am always going at least the speed limit. When your on a bike, it sure seems like your going faster than you are. I had to pull over once on the way to work today to let this hothead go by, who literally was trying to go into my lane with me. And yesterday, while i was driving through town (alot of stoplights/traffic) this guy behind me was flashing his lights at me, his turn signals and hazard lights. I thought maybe my back tire was flat or somthing was falling off and he was trying to alert me to this, so at the next light i stopped and lifted my visor and looked back at him to see whats up. He didnt do anything but look striaght ahead like he didnt see me looking at him. What is the deal with people? Ive always had a respect for bikes, and kept my distance. I couldnt believe that dude was flashing all his lights like that, why? because i wasnt going fast enough for him through down town? What do you guys do to advoid some of this?
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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2005, 06:54:29 AM »
While I'm on my morning commute, I let them past.

Then filter past at the next set of lights!

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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2005, 07:07:02 AM »
And I thought people drove crazy in New Jersey!!!???

That's SICK!   :o


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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2005, 08:33:55 AM »

I've seen it, too. Haven't ridden in a few years, and back on the road I swear people are literally trying to kill you. I'm thinking about taking up dipping again . . . nothing says "backoff!" like a cupful of Kodiak and spit on the windshield!



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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2005, 08:42:50 AM »
I'm thinking about taking up dipping again . . . nothing says "backoff!" like a cupful of Kodiak and spit on the windshield!

This must be a cultural thing.  What the hell are you talking about??
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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2005, 09:07:59 AM »
I'm thinking about taking up dipping again . . . nothing says "backoff!" like a cupful of Kodiak and spit on the windshield!

This must be a cultural thing. What the hell are you talking about??

Spittin' chewing tobacco. My favorite was hitting the emergency switch for a second and shooting a big flame out the mufflers. Also a good way to blow apart a muffler, though.. ::)

I find when I ride I get people who see I'm on an old bike, so they drive alongside me to look at it. However, I learned in driver's ed that if you turn your head really far, you'll tend to steer off in the direction you're looking in. This means folks drift into my lane while gawking at my bike. :o
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Offline Harry

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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2005, 09:27:52 AM »
If you live in a country where daytime lights are not required, try flashing your lights as cars tailgate, then accelerate shortly, flash again etc. The tailgater will think you are braking and jump on his brakes at the same moment you accelerate....this is quite amusing (for you). They get pretty mad after a while and will eventually overtake while giving you the f*inger. Good riddance. Oh, dont do this if you are following a pack of Hells Angels or Clint Eastwood - if they think you are flashing your lights at them they might get annoyed and shoot you.
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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2005, 12:52:42 PM »
It is no better in downtown Houston, my friend. Like a lot of places, Montrose (my neighborhood) was a ghetto when I moved in, now thoroughly gentrified I find people regarding me and my bike as second class citizens.
Not to sound too sterotypical, but the ratio of bikes to Hummer Driving Yuppies With Phones Glued To The Sides Of Their Heads is definitly not in my favor. My favorite so far was one incident where a guy tells me I don't deserve a parking space because "'s just a motorcycle!", as if I don't have to pay the same insurance, obey the same laws and spend most of my time not getting squashed by HDYWPGTTSOTH.
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Offline Kevin D

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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2005, 01:51:55 PM »
 Salt Lick, on my first return ride (in 2002 after a 15 year park) I was scared s...less. I darn near burned out my horn because I thought every car was trying to run me over. I have a lot more confidence riding in traffic now, but I still avoid rush hours, commercial areas, freeways. I don't believe that people are really trying to hurt me, but if they do they'll think its my fault since I choose not to travel in a basher bar equipped Urban Assault Vehicle.
  I am currently an after dinner or Saturday/Sunday joy rider only. I'd like to go to crosstown to Royal Oak for Wednesday night, bike night, but there is too much risk for me on Eight mile road or 696 so instead I head for the country roads to the west. Yesterday afternoon on North Territorial there were as many motorcycles as cars! I'd like to go on some overnight or weekend trips (Honda Homecoming, Hoot, vintage weekend) but I don't know enough backroads to get there.
 So here's a couple of ideas: 1) A travel service posting/listing motorcycle friendly roads - maybe this is already out there somewhere.
2) For commuters - a motorcycle lane, or permission to use car pool/ bus lane.
 You can't possibly win in any kind of tangle with a cranky, careless, or negligent auto or truck driver, so you are best to avoid these situations, and although a well placed tobacco loogie might get some to back off, it might cause others to run yer a.. over.
 You would think that responsibly ridden vehicles that get 50mpg would be getting a lot more encouragement.
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Offline Dennis

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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2005, 02:19:52 PM »

My favorite so far was one incident where a guy tells me I don't deserve a parking space because "'s just a motorcycle!", ...........

I'd have told him to kiss my tired old ass.
I was here riding bikes, driving cars and PAYING TAXES before he was ever thought of!

Offline heffay

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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2005, 03:19:35 PM »
i prefer to let them pass then ride behind them with my highbeams!  in a car i brakecheck the hell out of people.  i've made people go off the road b4 because they were following within less than 10 feet at well over 60 mph.

but, i will not brakecheck on a bike... i'm not stupid (sorry buffo, oh wait, you're magnificent anyway)... but, hibeams at least get my frustration out.  who cares if i'm an a$$hole to the other a$$holes... they started it!

what i love is following distances... people think that because you are following at a reasonable distance (more than most people would ever use) you are not going the same speed as people in front of you.  so they make a point of passing on the right side (left in most countries) just to make a point that i should be riding someones ass at all times.

this is why i wear the riding jacket that i do...


p.s. yes, i am kindof an a$$hole at times but, when i got my first bike i broadsided a car at 60mph because the driver decided to cross my lane to do a u-turn.  I am now always uber-cautious and if that breeds a$$holeishness so be it. 
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Offline Jonesy

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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2005, 03:32:44 PM »
I am currently an after dinner or Saturday/Sunday joy rider only. I'd like to go to crosstown to Royal Oak for Wednesday night, bike night, but there is too much risk for me on Eight mile road or 696 so instead I head for the country roads to the west.

Hey Kevin-

I live in Royal Oak and frequent the Wednesday Bike Nites. We should meet up sometime!
"Every time I start thinking the world is all bad, then I start seeing people out there having a good time on motorcycles; it makes me take another look." -Steve McQueen


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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2005, 03:51:48 PM »
Guys, this aint none of my business, but a word of caution before retaliating against crazy drivers.
ALWAYS remember that most inconsiderate drivers have cell phones. I recently had an incident with one of these people and did a move on him that really pissed him off. Luckily I was beside him when he decided to dial the police (I'm assuming), and he wasn't able to get my license number. But he was sure trying.
I agree with Heffay's statement about following distance. It is very true. Since my last incident, I just let 'em go by.
The price of the all the possible consequences is just too high. Main thing is, know what's going on around you, and have room for adjustments. If they have a problem, let 'em pass and smile as they go by. ;)

Offline skamania19

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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2005, 04:08:39 PM »
I have come to the realization that a certain percentage of the human race are, for the most part, oxygen thieves. Their only goal is to make life for others more miserable. Once I figured that out I let them do their thing. As for threatening life and limb of the motorcycling community, when it hapens (and it will, we cannot escape it) I try to pull off and let them by or signal them to pass. I'd rather have them get by me one way or the other where I can watch them. But once they're by me I get back to my life and don't dwell on their stupidity. Sometimes I even slow down after they pass to let them get way out front where I won't be involved in the carnage they will ultimately cause. If I let myself stew about it they've ruined my fun of the ride and they win. I just acknowledge they are dumb as a load of postholes and go on my way.
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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2005, 04:45:53 PM »
well guys let me tell you what they have learned in little rock.i ride my bike 35 miles interstate 1 way to work.well these folks must all be kin or something cause recently they have learned to pass me,get in my lane,then here goes the windshield washers.well i smell like a windshield most of the time,i tell my co workers its just a new after shave.

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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2005, 04:48:34 PM »
I guess I'm just lucky.  As bad as drivers are here in Denver, I don't usually have much problem with tailgaters, and I ride to work every day through downtown traffic.  Most days I just get the dip#$%*s on their cell phones trying to come over into my lane while I'm still using it!  The extra loud horn gets them most of the time.  When that doesn't work, a big black boot print on their door serves as a good reminder.  (not really, but I should)  :-*


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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2005, 04:55:13 PM »
The boot print idea is good. I guess I have yet to run into that. I am pretty visable on my 750 though. This is one area where loud pipes can help since you will be loud enough to interrupt those cell phone calls. This is one reason to not use resistor caps! Maybe cause enough interferrance that they might pay more attention!

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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2005, 05:42:39 PM »
I have actually had to use the boot print idea a few years back when I was on my 2000 A.C.E. 750 and an idiot decided to bring his hood into my lane to cut off the driver that was tailgating me in a construction zone with concrete barriers on my right.  Luckily I didn't throw myself over the wall when I dented his quarter-panel with my steel toe.  He actually look scarred for life and was extremely attentive as he slowed down and signalled to get in behind the guy behind me (who had slowed down after seeing this) and got off at the next exit.  I still think I was lucky he wasn't the road rage type.  My bike was fast enough, but it wouldn't outrun a bullet...
Usually I just let them pass and smile at them later on the side of the road having a conversation with Mr. officer :)
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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2005, 05:50:18 PM »

I live in NYC, and whenever I want to get out of town (only time I use the bike, really) I have a 45-60 minute ride on city highways. The pave is a nightmare (worse than Detroit, even), the car drivers are unbelievably aggro, and the squids are total pricks. If a taxi isn't trying to take over my lane, squids are simultaneously passing me on both sides at 80mph. If it isn't the squids it's some schmuck pulling out of his double-parked spot. And, if its not a double parker, its some guy making a lewd comment at me (must be the chaps and thong I always wear--*not*) and if it isn't the letch, its the license plate stealer. if its not the license plate stealer its the SUV clipping my mirror as it illegally passes me, or the minivan guy backing into me while making a talentless attempt at parallel parking and trying to take off when he sees he's knocked me off my bike (chased that guy down and yelled at him until he gave me $100 to go away).


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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2005, 10:07:31 PM »
Saltlick, not trying to be funny here, but could it be just your mirrors?
Seriously, cars look closer in my mc mirrors than they do in the car mirrors. Like the vibration maybe?

Anyways, I used to live in several large US cities, and esperienced many bad drivers. Took to wearing a 20LB chain w lock, and a loaded .38on my hip,  and the hassling stopped, well mostly. Only used the chain once on a pack of kids in Daddy's Lincoln Town Car.
 Always wondered how that boy explained the borken windshield and dents in the hood.

Now that I have grown up, and matured.... ::) I pull over when I have aggressive drivers around me.
Live to laugh another day.
CBchik-sounds like you need a "dummy detector", sorta like a deer alarm...stay posted, I am working out the kinks on
this invention as we type.
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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2005, 01:14:06 AM »
Seeing as this has morphed into a "retaliation" thread, here's mine.

1978 Me and my mate Big Paul on my CB175 queue-jumping up the inside (yeah, I know) when Mr Ford decides he'd prefer us on the pavement (that's the sidewalk to you guys).

Paul (pillion) leans over and puts a huge dent in the guy's roof.

He stops, gets out, takes one look at the size of Paul, gets back in and drives off.
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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2005, 01:58:53 AM »
is it just me or wot? why is one motorcycle enthusiast viewed as vulnerable,
and a motorcycle gang (of maybe three)seen as a threat to civilisation.
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Re: Crazy Drivers.....riding way too close to me.
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2005, 03:29:17 AM »
When we do the Toy Run in December (and there are other "Toy Runs" around the world as well), the 2000-odd motorcyclists are not seen as a threat to civilisation. A threat to the traffic maybe!

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