if you have cleaned the carbs then its gotta be somthing else, Try putting your hand over the back of all the carbs and crank the engine, that should suck air thru the float bowls priming the engine, if she dont start after that id think about checking a few other things like the valves, As its been sitting so long the valves probably wont seal that well anymore or some or even all of them will prob stick, If you can get it to run long enough for the engine to get hot then they will stop sticking eventualy, and back to the valve leaks if they are theres only 2 ways to get them to seal, either head removal wich in all honesty u dont want to do, or get the bike warm and run it rich if you can keep it running long enough the rich mixture should build up lots of carbon on the valves helping them seal, and change the plugs if its been sitting since 82' there be knackard.