while looking for some pictures to put on facebook ,i ran into some pictures of my son in the NICU(neonathal intensive care unit)in edmonton....
they kinda came as a shock to me,up till now i was trying to put those day's as far back in my mind as possible,but now it all came back to me...
it's been 3.5 years since those days,and for a moment i was back in time where life wasent that good...
up to those days life was pretty much stress free,i bought a beatifull acreage,got married and started my own business,life was good...
then in march 25 2005 my son was born and all was good,till that dark monday morning,3 day's later...
he wasen't reacting to anything,so we brought him to the hospital in ponoka..
within 15 minutes they put him in the ambulance and rushed him to red deer,where a crisis team of 12 people worked on him for 4 hours to get him stable enough to be airlifted to edmonton..
i really thought i was gonne loose my son there,all my hopes where in my shoes,they didn't know what happend to em,but it looked pretty grim...
then they airlifted him to edmonton,up till this day when ever i see a stars helicopter fly over,i get goose bumbs...
i followed with my then wife,doing 190km/h all the way..
there they found out that he had sufferd a stroke,and that there was severe brain damage..
my life was over....
they gave us a room in the nicu,so that we would be close for when things would take a turn for the worse,but thank god,that didnt happen..
he stayed in the NICU for a long time,but he recoverd well,and got transferd to the normal icu,and over a peroid of time we could take him home..
then all the hospital visits started,i think we drove a million times to edmonton,red deer etc..
seeing all sorts of specialists...
at first the outcome wasen't that great,he wasen't gonne walk,move his right side of his body and his vision was really bad,right eye didn't work(still doesn't)and they didn't know about his left eye..
other developments where unsure till he would be older..
over the last 3.5 years,my sone proved everybody wrong till a certain point..
he's walking fine,his right side works perfect,etc..
he does have CVI(cornical visiual impairment)what means that the eyes can see,but the part of the brain that supossed to process all that,isnt working good...so far they think he's legally blind,but he does see abit,and surprices me all the time how well he's doing with that...
meanwhile my wife and i split up,due to a series of things,what i won't discuss here,but it's better this way...
so,now i'm back to being alone again,and picked up my life again...
so far i'm doing really good,and am really happy again,life is good..
i'm trying to get to see my son,which i haven't seen him (here and there a few minutes)since august 6 2008,but due to the fact that my ex and i don't get along that well,it's kinda hard going,but i'm not giving up...no way..!!!!
for myself,i enjoy being alone again,although i do miss having a shoulder to lean on or to crawl up to,can't deny that...
my business is picking up real good again(didn't go so well for awhile with me not in the mood)and with the help of some wonderfull people it's all back to normal...
i picked up playing guitar again,and am working hard at getting ready to go on stage in red deer,my goal is to play in the vat in red deer on sunday evenings..
the hurt is gone,and i don't miss it...... i love life and i'm ready for the rest of it,lol...
3 day's old
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my boy now...