Interesting tips. I've used a pinlock in my helmet for a while, it works better than anything else. It's impossible to fog it up. Get the real thing, not some cheaper brand.
Another tip I have is to keep moving. Sitting still on the bike wil get you cold very quick. Move your arms and legs every now and then. Don't grip the bars too tight, it will freeze your fingers faster for some reason.
This is why i drive slower in the winter, so I don't have to hold on to the bike so much.
Lube your chain more often, the salt and wet will get the lube off much faster.
I ussually ride the highways with one hand behind my back to protect it from the wind, obviously you can't do this if there is a lot of traffic.
I hate riding with my visor open in winter. The salt from the road gets in your eyes and seriously hurts after a few hours. Get a pinlock or antifog visor.
You can ride on snow, it's not as bad as ice. Just take it easy.