Well I don't really understand camshaft theory as well as Mike, but the theory of relativity is pretty simple:
"First, it's not an entirely original concept: Galileo used a kind of relativity to explain why we're not all swept off the earth as it rotates. Imagine a moving ship, he said; within that ship, everything functions as though you're on dry land (or, if you're worried about wave motion, try a train). Einstein's observation was that the passage of time, which everyone had always simply assumed is constant and immutable, is not: it's the speed of light that is. "Now Galileo would start to get unhappy there," says Sir Roger Penrose, author of The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe, "because you'd think if you're moving along almost with the speed of light, the light should seem to be going more slowly. Why does it seem to be going at the same speed, no matter how fast you move? It seems like a paradox at first."
The theory of relativity was revolutionary because it showed how the speed at which time happens is mutable; that space and time are not discrete entities: time and space and motion (ie, movement through space) collapse into a fourth dimension, in which all act on each other. It is impossible to say "now" without saying "here" and "how fast".
Or, to put it another way, imagine you have a twin. You stay on earth, your twin goes into space on a fast rocket ship for 10 years; when they come back, they're a couple of years younger than you are. It even works with aeroplanes: circle the earth, flying low; when you return to your starting point, your watch will be slightly behind. "If you were actually moving at the speed of light (which you couldn't do, but suppose you could)," says Penrose, "your watch would stop altogether." It's a rather more expensive method of age-defiance than Crème de la Mer, but then again, it has the advantage of being a physical law of the universe."
Over to you, with the hard question Mike!