TT, maybe you could explain this a little for my curiosity. Why, with points being off or fouling plugs, would the bike start back up after about an hour of sitting? Maybe I'm showing my ignorance, but new knowledge is good knowledge.
There is a lot of data the poster isn't telling us about his bike and it's condition. So, we are forced to speculate about "what could be".
For example we still don't know if his battery is fully charged, or if the bike is charging it properly. The battery will recover some voltage on it own by just sitting.
We don't know the condition of his points, if it's ever had a tuneup, are the plugs fouled, do the plug boots have the right resistance, etc.
So, let's say his battery is low, he isn't revving enough to keep the battery peaked, the spark plugs have carbon deposits, his condensers are leaky, his spark plug boots have high resistance or are open, and his points have crusty resistive deposits, the contact surfaces.
All this adds up to is marginal spark to start with, and as the battery depletes there is suddenly not enough voltage to the coils to make spark. Letting it sit allows the chemicals in the battery to redistribute and raise the voltage enough to get it to spark again.
In short:
1. Carbon deposits on the spark plug insulators bleed off the coil charge, requiring a higher voltage to jump the gap.
2. Crusty points and leaky condensers diminish the voltage to the coils, so the stored energy is lower than it should be.
3. Extra resistance and gaps in the HV leads require higher voltage to make the spark jump ALL the gaps.
4. A marginally charged or depleted battery will lower the spark energy available by depriving of charge power to the coils.
We haven't been told the tune up history of the bike. Numbers 1 & 2 above are usually handled with a good tuneup that it is suppossed to have every 3000 miles.
A multimeter on the battery would tell us the state of charge off the battery.
We also don't know if he has added high watt headlight or other "upgrades" that use extra power from the battery or if he is keeping the RPMs above 2000 to charge the battery in driving operation.
We don't know if he has a marginal charging system that isn't keeping the battery fully charged.
But, this is all speculation, as there just isn't any hard data to support or deny of these "theories". Lot's of unknowns. We don't even know the condition of the spark plugs, where the deposit are a direct indication of whatever run condition are present (or absent).