Author Topic: Pet Peeves?  (Read 818 times)

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Pet Peeves?
« on: October 28, 2008, 04:19:56 AM »
 peeve (p¶v) tr.v. peeved, peev·ing, peeves. 1. To cause to be annoyed or resentful. See Synonyms at  annoy. --peeve n. 1. A vexation; a grievance. 2. A resentful mood: in a peeve about the delays. [Back-formation from peevish.]

Anyone have a particular "pet peeve" they'd like to share?  One of mine is the MORONS on the road today, namely the ones that don't or can't understand the "right-turn-on-red" laws.  Lately, in my town, they installed two camera systems to nab the people that don't come to a complete stop before making a right turn on red.  That's fine with me, but there are these MORONS that approach the right turn lane and stop.........not even attempting to make the right turn on red, and wait (no reason for waiting, traffic clear, and WAIT) for the green.  D1C#HEADS!  MOVE IT!  They just friggin sit there afraid they're gonna get a ticket or something.  One guy I was behind stopped maybe 50 feet from the line!!!! and just sat there!!!! I wanted to ram the a$$hat!  Damn, I need a drink.

Offline DollarBill

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Re: Pet Peeves?
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2008, 05:04:15 AM »
I definitely feel you on that one.  Mine is people just cruising along in the fast lane on highways going the same speed as the 90 year old lady next to them in the slow lane.  AAAARRRRGGHHHHH!!!!!  GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!  I don't know about elsewhere but in Texas we have signs on the highways that say, "Left lane for passing only" and my favorite sign, "Don't slow Texas down, slower traffic keep right".  Nobody abides by them and it drives me crazy.
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Offline tramp

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Re: Pet Peeves?
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2008, 05:04:33 AM »
just once i was tempted to walk up and ask why they were waiting to turn
but here that might be thought of as road rage
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Re: Pet Peeves?
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2008, 07:31:36 AM »
The one that get me are the ones that get into the right lane(not turn only) because they don't want to be behind 2 other cars and have no intention of turning, yet block the lane so you can't turn.

Or those people who can't seem to use a cell phone and drive at the same time.  They mess it up for those of us who can do 2 things at once.  I'm not saying I make a habit of doing that, but sometimes you have to take a call.  And you don't see me doing way less than the posted speed limit or weaving in the lane.  I CAN chew gum and walk in a straight line, despite some of the things said over in the election thread area.  I was behind a guy just last night, who had a GPS stuck to his windshield(yet another pet peeve) and was doing 20-25 in a 35.  Clearly lost.  As we both got to the end of the road at a stoplight, I look over and he's on a cell phone also! >:( >:( >:(

I feel better.
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Re: Pet Peeves?
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2008, 07:43:44 AM »
People who make a left hand turn onto a two lane road and end up in the right lane.

People who make traffic merge with them...(another thread here recently)

smooth manhole covers.

Insurance companies....nuff said.

Oh, and people who talk on cell phones while in line at the bank/coffee shop/any store.

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Offline hoodellyhoo

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Re: Pet Peeves?
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2008, 08:51:50 AM »
I like how everyone's pet peeves have to do with driving ;D And I'm no different.

Just about anyone talking on their phone while driving. (If I see you on your phone, I won't let you merge in by me)

People (nearly everyone) who don't understand the concept of "slower traffic keep right"

Braking on the freeway when you have a nice long off ramp to do that.

Waiting until after you are on the freeway to get up to speed.
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Offline kghost

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Re: Pet Peeves?
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2008, 09:01:09 AM »
My pet peeve is Stupid people.

Not to be confused with Ignorant people.

Ignorant people (not like the root Ignore at all) are unlearned or lacking knowlege.

I can understand a lack of knowledge...takes living and learning to develope knowledge.

What I can't stand is STUPID. As in lacking intelligence or reason.

Theres no fix for STUPID.

What really spools me up about STUPID is there is no amount of reason that can penetrate it.

No talking, explaining, or teaching will undo stupid. Its like the can't be stopped arrested or derailed.

Stupid will cling to itself in the face of anything.

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Re: Pet Peeves?
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2008, 10:06:12 AM »

     Kind of wound a bit tight Tim? :o Not that everything you have said isn't true, I agree wholeheartedly! ;) Feel better now? Good, now you've got ME wound up. ::) Just kidding, although (besides the other things mentioned here) I hate getting behind someone on an entrance ramp and then they STOP, instead of going on and trying to merge with the traffic. ::) And then there's that one who will come up behind you (as if they are going to a FIRE), so you pull over to let them by and then they DON"T go on, they just stay there! All they wanted was to be behind you, in case you come up on a Cop!     
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Re: Pet Peeves?
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2008, 10:09:34 AM »
I used to have slight anger issues with this one:

You're driving in the rightmost lane in traffic.  To your right is an oncoming merge for those folks entering the freeway.  You're in traffic.  The merge lane is empty.  Someone behind you decides they shouldn't have to wait, so they leave your lane and move ahead of everyone in your lane via the merge lane.

I've had a few encounters on this one because I typically pull ahead of them and hit my brakes and make sure they don't cut in front of everyone else in traffic.  What is funny is that they get completely pissed at me but they are the #$%*s.  The people in traffic usually get a kick out of this and I get a lot of thumbs up.

What makes people think this is OK.  It is no different then just walking to the front of the line at the movies or Starbucks, yet the anonymity of the car makes them think it is OK.

By the way, I've mellowed out a lot and I don't let it bother me any more.  I just stay out of that lane.  Its not worth getting shot over.
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Re: Pet Peeves?
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2008, 11:05:18 AM »
+1 on that.  There was just a case of that happening locally last week.  The victim was able to pull over and was not too seriously wounded.  The only other instance of that happening here didn't have such a happy ending.  The victim was killed.

I, too, have mellowed as I get older.  One thing that has helped is that despite the old saying(never a cop around when you need one), justice will prevail.  It has only happened in the last 10 years, but I have witnessed 2 instances of a cop being in the right place at the right time.  Granted, that's not much considering the shear numbers of a$$holes in a major metropolitan area(Washington D.C.) but there are other factors.  The highways in this area have had video surveillance for quite some time now.  I called the State police late one night when I saw a pedestrian walking along the left lane of a highway where it wasn't lit.  Their response was "yeah, we see him".  I got a similar response when I was doing 10 over in the middle lane and some jerk thought that wasn't fast enough and was exhibiting a fair amount of road rage.  Luckily, there were no weapons involved.
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