First thing I'd like to say is that Ken and Sue work GREAT together! The problem is that without the other one, nothing can operate properly. Sue takes care of all the books, ebay, most of the sales, etc. and Ken takes care of the wrenching, designing, etc. So if one of them are out, business is completely halted.
If you ordered something from them and it's been longer then it should, I can talk to Sue for you. I just got off the phone with Ken and things seem to be back up and running. For privacy's sake, I'll leave it at that. Anyone worried about not getting their order, I'd happily put my reputation on the line for these two. They are the real deal! Not only does Ken love these bikes the way that most of us do, he contributes to the Honda world more then most of us combined! Really, I mean that.
So send me a PM or email if you want/need me to talk to them. I'll be talking with Ken again next week, but I can call him sooner if need be.
BTW, I am going to start another thread on some of his new stuff. This guy has some really cool ideas and puts them into practice.