I have about 4 feet of clear tube. When I open the bleeder nipple, a little bit of fluid wells up at the base. I loosen the MC cap to let the air in and a small amount of micro bubbles will come out of the bleeder. I waited about 15 -20 minutes the first time, closed the bleeder, tightened the MC cap and pumped the brake handle, and the same thing happened. The wheel went from spinning freely, to only spinning a couple revolutions.
I then will open the bleeder again, and press against the caliper to move the piston back in and small micro bubbles, and some bigger ones, maybe the size of a period on the keyboard. As before, when I loosen the bleeder, maybe half a turn, a little bit of fluid wells up at the base. I am pretty sure it is not leaking from the base of the tubeing as it was pretty tough to get on. Could this be the source of all the micro bubbles, or is there just a lot of small pockets of air? I have done this 3 or 4 times now. Do I just need to keep topping off the MC and keep bleeding this way?
I have also just been emptying the fluid into a jar, this is correct right, I shouldn't be forcing it back into the piston?
I have tried several small adjustments of the adjusting screw, and it hasn't made a lot of difference.
Its pretty normal to use some 'gentle persuasion' with a hammer and drift
Are you saying to hammer the little pin out that the caliper arm pivots on?
The other problem is the caliper seal groove. It gets corroded and even a new seal won't let the piston slide freely enough. You have to go to extreme efforts to rerally clean out that groove. A bronze brush wheel on a dremel tool is the only thing I've found that works. A dentist type mirror lets you see in the groove.
I cleaned this out with a brass dremel brush and cleaner, so I am 99% sure it is clean (the one percent is because I have obviously missed something, hence my brake isn't working quite right

clear out the tiny port in the bottom of your master cyl. reservoir. Thats what was wrong with mine.
Already done this, so I am really sure this isn't the issue. I had read about this in another posts.
Also, misalignments (minor) between the two fork legs can cause axle curve, which can bind the bearings (it doesn't take much!). Make sure both end caps are on the same way (originally the gaps were to the front, make sure the flat faces meet and tighten those before the clamping sides).
Hondaman, I read about this in one of your other posts so I am pretty sure it isn't the end caps. I also don't beleive the forks are tweaked, as I can take a straight rod approx the same diameter as the axle and put it in there. I then put a level on it, and when the forks are pointed as if you are riding straight it shows level. Does this rule out tweaked forks?
Posted by: scunny
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as for your wheel not spinning freely, I would pull the caliper off and the wheel should rotate for a while not just a few turns.
how are your wheel bearings ?
Yeah, it will spin quite well. I think my bearings need to be replace, and that is on my to do list in spring, but I am pretty sure this isn't the major problem.
Thanks again for everyones help!! I can take pictures if anyone wants.