Alan, have you had a chance to mock anything up yet?
Yeah, I did it tonight. My bike is disassembled, so I grabbed the swingarm and chain adjusters from my K3, and the axle and assembled wheel (sprocket carrier and brake carrier installed, no tire mounted) I took some measurements and it seems like it can be done. I've planned on using the NH axle and to distribute it's extra length toward some lift spools left and right of the swingarm. This way the hard part is making the correct stepped spacers, and possibly milling the sprocket carrier for chain alignment.
Wheel centered, we have 4.9" to the inside of the swingarm on either side.
From the wheel center, to the mounting surface of the sprocket carrier is 3.7"
DollarBill measured 3.5" with a ruler or tape measure, so we've certainly got some room to mill down the sprocket carrier.
I've figured dimensions on some stepped spacers to adapt the NH axle to the K3 swingarm and chain adjusters.
I should go through the same procedure and take the same measurements with my original spoked wheel for comparison, that'll give me the sprocket offset dimension I'll need to achieve with the NH wheel to make this a bolt on.