so some may have seen earlier threads were i was kicking around how exactly to degree the cam of a 550 ("i heart megacycle")
so finally figuring out how its (suppose to be) done. i started kicking around other ideas of things to do while the motor is out and open (again)
read alot of threads on boring, porting ,big bore, cam advance,and so on
jonsey's 550 porting threadgentleman's express article those were the most helpful , and of coarse the "thoughts of hondaman" in the Faqs
i'm not totally sold on punching out the jugs, i would love to do it but its strictly a money issue, first thing is the head
this is my first attempt at porting and its not done yet ... it's late and i'm tired


haven't done the final stage yet , i was too tired and getting sloppy


guess i'll be gettig a valve guide ...Doh