I'm pretty a much a Rossi fan, like the rest of the world but....
I like what Hayden's been doing so far, he's a cool dude.
I can't figure out why Repsol/Honda are such a fan of Pedrosa either. It will be interesting to see if Andrea Dovizioso will be faster then Dani next year.
I bet he is.
For Hayden to beat Stoner would be almost impossible, but i'm convident he will do much much better than Melandri.
The new Ducati looks really great. A next step in chassis design. 2 years from now everybody will have carbon fiber frames.
Well, Honda thought they had the next Rossi w/ Pedrosa, since they were stupid enough to let Rossi slip away. Honda make great bikes, but they are way too arrogant for their own good. Honda's racing philosophy is that it is more bike than rider... and maybe that is the case 98% of the time, but maybe not during the career of the GOAT Rossi.
I hope Dovi kicks Pe-doh-sa's ass next year, but the biggest thing he will have against him, which was the same thing Hayden had against him and that is REPSOL honda. When Pe-Doh-sa can look at everyone else's telemetry and no one can look at his, that is a big problem.
Think Hayden will have that problem next year at Ducati? Take a look at this picture and decide for yourself... Must be nice have an actual human for a teammate again.
http://www.roadracerx.com/slideshows/2008_1027_Hayden/Slide.html?photo=5Ieism, I have to disagree w/ you on the carbon fiber frames trickling down to production bikes. The costs will keep that from happening in the near term, but long term as technologies advance and become easier and cheaper to produce, there is always a chance. They probably said the same thing about aluminium frames back in the 70's.
