The SOHC/4 World Tour is in under way.
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i think tsflstb could win on my votes for his bike alone but i have a feeling of deja vu ALL OVER AGAIN!
I would like to be the first to nominate ShortRounds new creation for BOTM November. Great looking machine!!!
What is the significance of number 5?
i have a speed racer poster in the garage, the 1960's cartoon one. i was going to paint the bike black or silver. but friends and i were hanging out in the garage one night. we were sitting around, drinking, throwing darts, thinking about what color to paint it and my wife said "paint it like the mach 5". and thats how trixie was brought to life. its bike night here in orlando tonight. so i'm going to take it down to old town and show those harley cookie cutters what a real motorcycle looks like. cheers.
i don't need reminders the morning of the 16th even before i rolled out of bed... i erased you're comment KB02 if you didn't actually know if it was time for the voting thread... read the rules.