Yea. I know about Yamaha RZ's. I have one as a daily rider. I've worked a few CB 750s, 550 and brought them back to life. They come and go,but you never ever part with your RZ.
I did a 1974 Kawasaki H1.... I really wanted it. Payed a fortune as a total beater. Finally it's done. Total disappointment. The legend was in 1969, by the time you to to 1974 they were totally detuned and generally a dog. The brakes suck, handles like crap. Then I picked up two Yamaha RZ's... I work the two units and finally arrive at this one, then sold all the extra parts.
The Yamaha RZ clearly has to be one of the top 10 motorcycles ever made.
Light as a feather and flickable.
Fabulous brakes. Will stop on a dime. It really has the whole package. The power range is about as wide as a frog hair. You keep the heat on all the time. Basically if I ride my modern rocket around the block I would never see the readline. You hit the readline pretty much in all six gears. It's a real hoot, and pretty much a wheelie monster.
Point to consider. I get stopped by the cops on this thing alot. The last time they tagged me. The pulled me over for excessive exhaust emmisions. Da... It's supposed to smoke. Anyway they concluded that since I had a current inspection sticker. I must be legal.
The expansion chambers are a bit louder that the stock pipes. Ya get lots of looks, because most just don't understand because of the sound and a few offers to buy it on the spot.
I've long since parted with all large displacement 70's CB 750 Honda, 70's Kawasaki KZ 900 / 1000s. Now I only work very small displacement 70's CB Honda's. Since I've started riding this 1976 CB 125S, after I finished it, about 3 weeks ago. I know I don't want anymore large older bikes. It's way more fun the the CB 750 was.