Hey guys,
I was just browsing the inspiration gallery for fun and I came across these bikes:
I love that 4-4 look with those short mufflers! Any ideas on how to replicate this? It seems to me that they used 4 of these :
http://www.denniskirk.com/jsp/product_catalog/Product.jsp?skuId=&store=Main&catId=403&productId=p431287&leafCatId=40302&mmyId=Obviously with some modding, but by judging from the 2nd pic they seem to have shortened one of the 'tabs' to connect it to the other muffler, then keep the 'tabs' on the inside to connect to the frame. What do you guys think?
The idea that using such inexpensive mufflers to get a cool look is really appealing to me since im on a college budget. I have a CB550 that I'm going to rebuild this winter break, which needs new exhaust (headers are fine). What are your guys thoughts on the difficulty of fabbing this setup? How much welding ?
Also, if the stock airbox is kept would re-jetting be required?