i havent sent pics out of the project in a while, or finished the project not because i was lazy like i said........i was hospitalized for a few days at our brand new heart wing at palmetto richland hospital. i checked my bp one morning like i'm supposed to.......240/155. i rechecked it 255/185. wife forced me into the car and i called my doc on the way to the er. i was admittited right from the er, i ended up having, i swear, half my blood volume taken for tests (i hate needles)
had a stress test the next day, more damn bloodwork. turns out i didnt know i wasnt supposed to take benadryl anymore now that i have mildly high blood pressure. this time of year i pretty much live on anti-histamines because of all my allergies, turns out the stuff hikes blood pressure way the hell up. so now i'm on 25mg of hctz and no more damn benadryl. almost kicked off guys, i'd have been back to haunt you all though. i promise to take better care of myself from now on after my wife reminded me that not only would she and my kitties miss me but my family would too and since i dont consider most of the emmons family MY family anymore, you guys and ladies are my family.