I had the Purple Haze E.P. (vinyl) Extended Play, which had four tracks on it from JH and the Experience.
"Yes I'm goin' down to shoot my old lady,
Don't you know I caught her messin' around with another man" Durh-dumm-ter-too-dummmm
Very un-PC for the yoof of today I'm sure.
changed my bloody life! Blew my mind!
That was in about 1969 or 1970, just when my K0 was rolling off the production line, and all I could get on the (only) radio station was Val Bloody Doonican!!
Subsequent albums thrashed to death at parties and mates places and in the privacy of my own room.
Sad to see him gone, gone to jam with Jimi, no doubt, if you believe in that sort of stuff.
I even remember the morning I heard on the radio that Jimi had died. Bloody fan heater on the lino floor of the kitchen warming up my shoes before walking off to school. Breakfast time. The morning news on and me sitting there sort of stunned and my mother completely oblivious to what had just gone down.