I am in the early stages of restoring a 1974 Suzuki GT750. Since my question and the hopeful answers that will follow are relative to all bikes, I'll feel good about posting here in the middle of this Honda board.
I want to find a good zinc plater that can restore my bolts, spokes, and fasteners to their original shine, but not-chrome finish. What has brought this to light moreso than ever is that the old, dull, dingy, and in some cases - rusty originals have a big "S" on them. I just received a large order of new bolts in from Suzuki which are the correct part number and are OEM replacements which I thought were going to be exact and brand-new - they aren't The S is gone and the heads are different. Due to mass-production and superceding of parts - these new ones have lost much of their character and certainly that "S".
Do some of you have suggestions on where I can get the original Zinc finish re-applied? I don't want these chromed.
Help is appreciated.