yeah, hamish is pretty vindictive if i do something to him he doesnt like. couple of years ago i took him out to the barn with me while the farrier was there and he rolled in a fresh, steamy pile of road apples. well not only didhe stink to high heaven he was almost black with dirt and manure. he had to be bathed, which he HATES! few hours later he was back purring and rubbing all over me so i thought all was well, all was NOT well. we went to bed and he peed on me while i slept, shredded the quilt and woke me the next morning by meowing at full siamese volume in my ear. i try not to do things to displease him now as hamish is a haughty, dignified boy that doesnt like being messed with. he even gets pissed off if he does something like fall off the bed and i laugh at him. he's the greatest cat ever but there are hamish limits.