I couldn't find much on this in the archives, so I hope it is not an old topic (seems it should be). I just bought an essentially new exhaust system for my '75 CB400F and wanted to do whatever I could to keep it from rusting for as long as possible. I use the bike as a commuter, it rains all the time here and do not have the option of only running it for >30 minutes to get it good and hot, so it will be parked before fully warmed. I know a lot of the rusting problem is from condensation from water produced by combustion rusting from the inside. I read one post about zinc coating the inside (how?) and running 2 stroke oil through the gas. Would something like Kreem Blue Shield help? Is there something else like that out there that might help? Or should I just start an IRA account specifically for exhaust replacement as it is only a matter of time... Thanks for any advice