Author Topic: I just don't get why it won't work!! Front Brake and Fork questions  (Read 11174 times)

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Re: I just don't get why it won't work!! Front Brake and Fork questions
« Reply #50 on: November 11, 2008, 06:11:44 AM »
Would drilling the rotors help to keep the pads from glazing and squeaking? I read in another post that drilled rotors help to keep the pad faces clean. I am just wondering if this is true, as I am considering trying it?


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Re: I just don't get why it won't work!! Front Brake and Fork questions
« Reply #51 on: November 14, 2008, 11:10:21 AM »
I am considering getting a new rotor and having it surfaced and drilled...anybody have this done?

also, I have been adjusting my brake adjusting screw twice-a-day all week and through trial and error I have greatly reduced the squeaking
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Re: I just don't get why it won't work!! Front Brake and Fork questions
« Reply #52 on: November 15, 2008, 08:50:48 AM »
Would drilling the rotors help to keep the pads from glazing and squeaking? I read in another post that drilled rotors help to keep the pad faces clean. I am just wondering if this is true, as I am considering trying it?


I am considering getting a new rotor and having it surfaced and drilled...anybody have this done?

also, I have been adjusting my brake adjusting screw twice-a-day all week and through trial and error I have greatly reduced the squeaking

Yes. Drilling, slotting or resurfacing the rotors will stop the squeaks, and for quite a while. It's after the rotors get smoothed, or polished, from the braking action that it becomes a hard-to-cure problem.

Switching to aggressive pads will unsettle the rotor surface, similar to having it resurfaced, and this used to be the cure. It just appears that we're having a harder time finding these helpful disc pucks, now. Honda's own would polish the rotors quite well, after the initial crown wore off the pucks. If you re-beveled the puck, and added a deep pair of hacksaw cuts across the face in an "X", this would again unsettle the disc surface and remove the polish, by breaking tiny edge pieces of the pads away and unsettling the disc-pad surfaces. But, Honda's pucks were softer than the current EBC pucks (at least, the EBC pucks I have), and didn't glaze to glass so easily.

If we are stuck with only the EBC-type pucks, which I suspect are made for the more modern bikes with slotted rotors, which also require harder pucks to prevent shearing while riding over those slots, then we will be stuck with having to either resurface, drill, or slot our rotors to use these pucks.

If, though, we can find disc pucks that are like the famous "ride in the rain" variety that first appeared for these bikes (and, they were from EBC, in the 1980s), these pucks are what we all could use. They have rather large bits of bronze in them that tend to chunk out with use. These cause abberations in the surface that also slightly scratch up the disc while breaking up the glass on the puck. These pucks are the reason that my front disc now measures only 5.0 mm thick (worn down to Honda's service limit), but it took over 100,000 miles and 3 sets of these aggressive pucks to get me here, so it's a good trade. I'm not going to change the disc: modern bikes use discs of 3mm with no problems. Honda just didn't know how thick the first-ever disc needed to be, so they went overboard on these bikes. This does give us all lots of room to resurface them, if there were someone who actually WOULD resurface them. (Anyone know of someone who can?)
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Re: I just don't get why it won't work!! Front Brake and Fork questions
« Reply #53 on: November 15, 2008, 09:23:20 AM »
You can surface them in a flywheel grinder.

 Getting someone to do them is the trick...
 I know 2 guys that have them, pretty sure I could rent time on one and make up all adaptors, 2 bad I am not in the USA..
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Re: I just don't get why it won't work!! Front Brake and Fork questions
« Reply #54 on: November 15, 2008, 09:33:28 AM »
That does seem like the best way to do them.They are too thin to cut on a lathe unless you have some kinda super duper dampening system.If I put them on the lathe at work,it would chatter like crazy.
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Re: I just don't get why it won't work!! Front Brake and Fork questions
« Reply #55 on: November 15, 2008, 09:34:13 AM »
My friend Marcus (prosolar on the boards) is an auto mechanic. He has flywheel grinder at his work. We've talked about using it for the motorcycle rotors.

I'll talk to him about it when I get back to Portland.

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Re: I just don't get why it won't work!! Front Brake and Fork questions
« Reply #57 on: November 20, 2008, 04:44:08 PM »
I have a spare rotor that I drilled out today, wasn't too bad only took a couple hours. I think I may have chamferred the holes a bit deep, so hopefully that won't make a big difference. I will let you guys know if it helps with the squeaking.

I have a question for anyone who knows about drilled rotors. If the holes don't go all the way to either edge (mine I intentionally left .25" between the outside edge of the rotor and the hole to keep it from cracking) will the pads start to wear funny? I have read that the holes help to "clean" the pads, but I have also read that the seeking is due to gasses building up when we break and the holes let this escape. I am just curious if the out .25" of my pads will not wear the same as what is in the area where the holes are and thus affect my breaking ability?

Hondaman, I sanded the surface of my rotor to get rid of the glaze and I will sand the surface of my pads to remove any glaze it has. Since I have drilled my rotors, should I still hack saw the slots into the pads that you spoke of, or would this cause my pads to chip and crumble too fast?

Thanks to everyone!!

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Re: I just don't get why it won't work!! Front Brake and Fork questions
« Reply #58 on: November 20, 2008, 07:02:35 PM »
I have a spare rotor that I drilled out today, wasn't too bad only took a couple hours. I think I may have chamferred the holes a bit deep, so hopefully that won't make a big difference. I will let you guys know if it helps with the squeaking.

I have a question for anyone who knows about drilled rotors. If the holes don't go all the way to either edge (mine I intentionally left .25" between the outside edge of the rotor and the hole to keep it from cracking) will the pads start to wear funny? I have read that the holes help to "clean" the pads, but I have also read that the seeking is due to gasses building up when we break and the holes let this escape. I am just curious if the out .25" of my pads will not wear the same as what is in the area where the holes are and thus affect my breaking ability?

Hondaman, I sanded the surface of my rotor to get rid of the glaze and I will sand the surface of my pads to remove any glaze it has. Since I have drilled my rotors, should I still hack saw the slots into the pads that you spoke of, or would this cause my pads to chip and crumble too fast?

Thanks to everyone!!


I would estimate that the drilled rotors should keep the squeak from coming back, after the sanded pucks wear in. Be sure to put a bevel on the edges of the pucks, so they don't catch a lip edge in one of the holes. That can make them chip and momentarily lock the front wheel (an exciting moment!).
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Offline manjisann

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Re: I just don't get why it won't work!! Front Brake and Fork questions
« Reply #59 on: November 21, 2008, 07:32:38 AM »
I would estimate that the drilled rotors should keep the squeak from coming back, after the sanded pucks wear in. Be sure to put a bevel on the edges of the pucks, so they don't catch a lip edge in one of the holes. That can make them chip and momentarily lock the front wheel (an exciting moment!).

Ok, I'll sand the surface to get rid on any glazing and then bevel the edges on the pads to keep em from chipping. I doubt they would chip anyhow, as my chamfer looks more like mild countersinking  :-[ 

Thanks to everyone!

Sure it's for sale! How much you ask?? Well, how much are you willing to pay??? Now triple it, that's the price!

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Re: I just don't get why it won't work!! Front Brake and Fork questions
« Reply #60 on: November 21, 2008, 10:10:26 AM »
My front brake update: After doign a 150 mile ride about 2 weeks after a caliper rebuild that resulted in crazy squeeking...I think the pad has worn in and is now not an embarrassment...occasionally squeeks but nothing compared to how badly it was
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Re: I just don't get why it won't work!! Front Brake and Fork questions
« Reply #61 on: November 21, 2008, 11:22:01 AM »
That is great SKTP!!! Wonder if mine would stop squeaking on its own. Well we shall never know, cause I will be swapping out my rotor for the one I drilled first chance I get  ;D

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Re: I just don't get why it won't work!! Front Brake and Fork questions
« Reply #62 on: November 22, 2008, 10:25:57 AM »
Mine got much worse after 150 miles, even worse after that. I only had a couple of weeks of riding left, so it's still that way while I figure out a good fix.
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Offline manjisann

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Re: I just don't get why it won't work!! Front Brake and Fork questions
« Reply #63 on: November 22, 2008, 01:13:05 PM »
Just finished putting my drilled rotor on the bike and sanding the pads. As suggested by Hondaman, I put a  slight bevel on my pads. While sanding the pads, I noticed what looked like bronze or brass flecks of metal in them. Didn't someone mention these were supposed to help with the squeaking somehow??  I will report whether or not the drilled and surfaced rotors help with sqeaking or not.

Sure it's for sale! How much you ask?? Well, how much are you willing to pay??? Now triple it, that's the price!

1973 CB500 K2 - Sold the bike and bought a Mig, Miss the bike, Love the Mig :D
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Offline manjisann

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Re: I just don't get why it won't work!! Front Brake and Fork questions
« Reply #64 on: November 24, 2008, 07:29:12 AM »
Well, 40 miles and it seems to have worked. The rotor hasn't fully glazed over yet, but stopping power has improved, and only a couple sqeakes, nothing regular like before. We'll see if it is still quiet after the rotor glazes and has some more miles on it. But yay, no squeaks  ;D

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Re: I just don't get why it won't work!! Front Brake and Fork questions
« Reply #65 on: November 24, 2008, 09:48:46 AM »
It thrilling squeek-news...mine seem to be returning?!!!!
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