I could get a smaller or Master Volume amp, but I'm falling into a deal that is too good to pass up AND it is the EXACT '70s punk tone I am looking for, so it will be the Alpha and the Omega, the last amp I ever need to buy.
The problem is, it's a Marshall Fullstack and the setup is insanely powerful and only sounds the way I want with the amp "dimed out" with every knob at 10. (Some "problem", right? Like "too much cash" is a problem.)
It's a '70s Marshall JMP Mark II Super Lead 100w head with no Master Volume, so to get the punk distortion I need, (think early Ramones), I need tube saturation, which I can only get with it CRANKED UP. Just like Johnny.
And it's gonna be driven through two Marshall 1960BX 4x12 cabs with the 25w Celestion Greenbacks, so if I run it as a halfstack, I would need an attenuator to prevent running the speakers at their max, shortening their life, maybe blowing 'em.
Yeah, having a Marshall fullstack is maybe a bit much, but I'm in a punk band and the bassist is using a Ampeg SVT with an 8x10 cab turned up, so I gotta get heard over that, plus, we like sending the audience away picking amp grillcloth out of their teeth, just like The Ramones did in the '70s. Loud, Fast and Relentless. Up the punx!!
And even if the setup IS mic'd, such as in smaller venues, I can run it as a half-stack, dimed out for tone, then the power brake to lower the volume for the PA. Though as a purist, I would like to see how it sounded on its own in a club with no mic'ing and I think it would hold its own.
Interesting point about the in-ear monitors. I might look at them, since I'm using foam plugs now, and with a 100w stack, they would be a necessity, I think.