So my rear chain was loose and I ran it by my friend's shop for an adjust before I rode out 60 hwy miles to school. He informed me that the chain was stretched to it's limit and he'd adjusted as far back as possible. So I take off and at the first stop sign, the rear locks up. He comes down, adjusts the back brake, and I'm off. Back and forth to school, no issue, although the rear brake felt 'funny'.
The next day, back to school. I-35 is a major corridor for 18 wheelers and commuters, ie. tons of traffic. Get through that and into San Marcos, which is full of kids with their first cars-get through that. Come up Sessum, a notoriously windy road that is tons of fun to tear up-make it past that.
PULL INTO THE PARKING LOT, press in the back break, feel the pedal 'pop' back against my foot. Stop and look at the back- The entire brake arm assembly had broken off, including the steel rod spline that goes into the drum which had snapped in half!

Here's a pic for reference (red square indicates what snapped)

Needless to say, I was towed home. Has anyone ever had this happen?