It ain't easy to do a task with a gazillion things that all have to be assembled in a particular order and all have their own little things that must be done in the proper order along the way.
I have a few rules that I try to religiously follow:
#1... Don't get high when you take it apart. But even this... is much better than being high when you put it back together. Memories are on the line when you take it apart, LIVES are on the line when you put it together. Have a clear head when you do the Final Assy. (and the practice runs)
#2... Do a "dry run" several times before you do the final assy. No glue or goo, just "fondel" the parts for a day or two. Know the Assembly Order in your dreams before applying the goo. Forgetting a part after you have glued the case together sucks in a BAD way. If you "need" to use goo on the Cly-to-case then you better have it all ready to GO first. COPPER COAT had an infinite "assy time" and is one of my Favs.
#3 If it's your bike, no pressure needed, dollars are replaceable. Take your time and enjoy every thousanths of an inch of pleasure baby

Miles and smiles are the goal?
#4 Don't get stressed, just drop the #$%*e in the floor and go get a beer. Look at it for a day or two so that you do indeeed GET IT FIGHT OOOOOOPS( I mean get it RIGHT)