Author Topic: New cb360 owner :)  (Read 3378 times)

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New cb360 owner :)
« on: November 25, 2008, 09:19:44 PM »
I already have '75 Kawasaki Triple S1-C which i'm still trying ot get plated in indiana, its been registered out of state since the bike had no title when i bought it here so i'm doing some rather shady things to ride it but......anyway.  My friend bought a bike right after i did.  That would be the '74 CB360 i have now.  Long story short, 2 weeks after he bought it, it busted the timing chain and bent the valves and slight damage to the pistons. 

I've gotten a used set of pistons, cylinders, and a new cyl had with good valves.  I plan to rebuild this thing cause for the most part its in better shape than my kawa.  Here's the kicker though lol, and you will laugh.  I have only riden a bike 10 miles acording to the kawa.  All tests in the neighborhood.  So i'm not riding right now since its winter but i do like the sound of the cb360 and it seem to be as easy to stablize as my triple. 

Besides getting new gaskets and a new set of rings since they are toast anything else i should bother replacing.  This engine has 16,000 miles on it.  So far i have the case split and everything and i've cleaned out the grenaded timing chain bits.  It also ate the tensioner and guide so i'm ordering those as well.  But after i put all new gaskets, o-rings, carb stuff yada yada yada.........are these bikes pretty well built.  I'm hardcore honda so i'm keeping it either way i'm sure but what is everyones experience wth it.

I'll assume they get pretty good mileage since they are a relatively small engine.  I also only work about 10 mins from where i live so next summer i woudn't mind rocking my kawa or the honda 5 days a week.  I've worked at a motorcycle shop for almost 2 years so i'm somewhat familiar with how it all works.

But anyway, like i said.  Is there anything i should be aware of.  The only thing thats weird is the front brake doesn't seem to spring back to its original posistion.  But that could be an old cable or something simple i'm sure. 

I'll post pics if you guys want to see, i can throw some of my kawa on here if you want to see an old skool triple.  I know its a honda forum but i dunno, maybe you'll want to see it if you've never heard of it.

Offline Bill Vaughan

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Re: New cb360 owner :)
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2008, 11:47:23 PM »
You should be aware that there were at least two important service bulletins issued for the 360 engines, one of which might explain why your chain failed.

The first was an update to the cam chain tensioner system.  The original tensioner would eventually allow the chain to rub against the engine case - you can imagine what happened from there.  The update calls for a redesigned tensioner and upper holder, both of which helped to keep the chain where it belonged.

The second update concerned the right-side rocker shafts.  The original shafts could spin causing the bore to wear.  The redesigned shafts held in place.

If you are rebuilding this engine for the long-haul, it is well worth making sure that both of these updates are performed.  I have service supplements and parts list for both if you want them.

Good luck.
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Re: New cb360 owner :)
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2008, 12:31:15 AM »
I'll post pics if you guys want to see, i can throw some of my kawa on here if you want to see an old skool triple.  I know its a honda forum but i dunno, maybe you'll want to see it if you've never heard of it.

First, welcome.  I rode a friend's 360 and it was a fun little bike.  It's a great forum.  We love all kinds of bikes, but we specialize in Single Overhead Cam 4 cylinder Hondas.  So the 360 isn't going to be familiar to everyone here.  You're going to want to post questions about it in the "Other Bikes" section of the forum found here: 

Definitely post some pics of your triple.  At Barber's Museum I saw a triple someone had grafted 2 more cylinders onto making it a 5.  I'll try to dig up a pic for you.
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Re: New cb360 owner :)
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2008, 07:19:22 AM »
Carefull if you loosen or tighten the upper tripple tree--they crack easily on the '74.
Grab both ends of the bolt that tightens onto the fork tube.
I eventually pulled my '74 360 motor out and did something else with it.

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Offline tbpmusic

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Re: New cb360 owner :)
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2008, 11:23:40 AM »
You might want to check out

Lots of 360 guys over there.

The 360 is not considered to be as dependable as the older 350, it had a variety of design flaws.
Some already discussed in this thread - another was the lack of any cam bearings - the cams were laid into the head, so if you burn them up you have to replace the head.
On the other hand, you can access the entire top end without removing the engine from the frame, so......

With that said, honda sold a lot of them, and parts are readily available.
They have a large fan base, so you chose a pretty good bike, enjoy.

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Re: New cb360 owner :)
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2008, 03:21:18 AM »
thats wild, i didn't realize the cb350 was a 4 and the cb 360 was a lol

the kawa isn't lined but if i have it repainted i may have someone strip the inside and line it.

There were 350 twins too.  I think tbpmusic was referring to a completely different engineered twin engine vs just upping the displacement by 10cc on the older 350 twin design.

There have been alot of topics here about cleaning tanks.  -just in case you're not familiar.  From using "The Works" and other household stuff to electrolysis to which tank liners work best and why.

Getting a lined tank when you didn't expect it is a nice surprise.  I've had it happen once and my neighbor was dreading looking into his 65 Ranchero and found someone had lined it.  Nice surprise.
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Re: New cb360 owner :)
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2008, 08:42:19 AM »
I have worked on a bunch of them and know quite a few of their foibles (250 and 360)
 Building a couple at present.
When cam bearings fail it usually means rockers have also been damaged.
DONT use thicker oil, it makes things much worse.
See some of my postings at Honda twins to find out why.
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Offline crazypj

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Re: New cb360 owner :)
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2008, 11:21:36 PM »
Double dotted means both updates were done, only single dot  for chain tensioner, forget if it was upper or lower, have bulletin somewhere 'safe'
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Offline Bill Vaughan

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Re: New cb360 owner :)
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2008, 10:34:15 PM »

I sent you some information regarding the rocker shaft update.  The file was too large to post here.
1972 Z50A
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