Is there a consensus that the Honda manual is correct?
Also, whilst the manual says: must not be less than 3/4" does it give a must not be more than?
Posted by: Einyodeler
According to the original Honda Owners Manual:
"With the motorcycle on the centerstand, adjust to provide approximately 3/4" or 20mm at a point midway between the front and rear sprockets.Rotate the wheel and recheck slack at other sections of the chain.Slack must not be less than 3/4" (20mm) midway between sprockets, regardless of which chain section at which measurement is taken.
With the motorcycle on it`s wheels and laden with the riders weight, the rear swingarm moves to a more horizontal position thus decreasing the slack in the chain. At this point the drive chain slack should not be less than 1/2" (13mm) with the motorcycle on it`s wheels and laden."
This means you`ll need to adjust accordingly for the weight of a passenger or luggage.