Lot's have been covered here, of which I agree with most, and I wasn't even gonna bother chiming in for those reasons. But...

I just wanna echo feelings of sadness for the poor soul who died just doing his job. One day he's having Thanksgiving dinner, the next he's gone... just like that. I'm truly saddened by the loss of life and the lack of humanity. While I'm no Walmart cheerleader (or basher) the blame wholly rests on the shoulders of those disgusting people who comprised the mob. There is no other blame than the ones who committed this.
Even if you could prove Walmart didn't prepare properly for the crowd it doesn't excuse the behavior one bit, period. I don't blame the family for suing (in this case) only because in addition to the sheer grief that can cloud rational thought, restitution seems most likely pursuing that course of action.
I agree with Heff to the degree that you just can't swing away and blindly punish with impunity. But the first step in actual justice is to focus on the real crime and source. It comes down to two words... personal f#@king responsibility.
I just can't believe nobody had the presence of mind to, oh I don't know... help?!
Having said all that, examples given before also remind that there are lots of good and selfless acts ignored every day by the media.
Finally, I'm doubtful of the character and intelligence of anyone willing to wait for hours on end for a freakin' sale! Include the iPod retards who ended up buying a defective product anyway or the perpetual virgin Star Wars fan camping out before the opening. If Darwin was right we'd be eating these people right now instead of enabling them.
Soylent Green anyone?