Author Topic: Is it worth buying this for spares  (Read 4487 times)

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Offline void909

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Re: Is it worth buying this for spares
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2008, 01:54:01 PM »

Thank you for the lesson on braking as it was very informative. I will look into the Goldwing front end.

I'm afraid the days of old are gone forever my friend. I think your perception of me is very different from that which you have imagined. I do not philosophizes while counting a stack of money and looking a pictures of what other people have done and I have no desire to impress anyone but myself. I assure you I am not trying to earn my stripes over the internet. I earn my stripes right here in my little garage with a wrench and a spraypaint can and an arm full of roadrash. I have always appreciated this website and the people that make it great. These pixels have lead to phone conversations, networking with like minds and even friendships. I will never take that for granted. The internet can never be as informative as being in a shop and learning from people first hand (I know because despite your opinionI have) but it is in fact knowledge none the less and a way for people to learn. I will never take that for granted. If me, doing what I want makes you want to knock my block off then that is very unfortunate but I say feel free. If I offended you or your philosophy's by my comments then i do apologize. I was in no way attempting to throw a tantrum. I am in not trying to build a cafe racer to fit in with a certain crowd or fashion. Thats just not my style. It seems I have never fit in to these classes for one reason or another so I don't intend to start trying now. I do not look to others to find things cool. I look to others for inspiration and sometimes guidance. I do take heed to the advice of the people who know better but I also want to learn the hard way. I think you should realize that you never know the person on the other end of the keyboard and you do not know there background and weather they have earned there stripes or not. You automatically assume the worst of me based on a question and three sentences stating my opinion and that is very sad. We should go get a beer, I think you would change your mind if you really took a minute to see what kind of individual I am. Now Ill go work on my "poser wannabe cafe racer"
knock with no answer