Author Topic: Mad cow  (Read 740 times)

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Offline Uncle Ernie

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Mad cow
« on: December 02, 2008, 11:21:34 AM »
I'm watching Boston Legal and how Denny Crain (William Shatner) is doing.
Then there's this Plymouth/Dodge thing...

I can see myself in that character.  Rather worrisome.  Is it just the contrast from when I was artistic and a literary rake?  Happens to everyone?  Aside from tattooing my name and address on my ass for when I walk the streets naked looking for the icecream truck in February- any other doddering old fools here with some kind of plan?
Dude- your 8 layers are showing!

Offline dusterdude

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Re: Mad cow
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2008, 01:13:32 PM »
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Offline alltherightpills

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Re: Mad cow
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2008, 01:36:25 PM »
I don't know (and I'm obviously too young to know yet) but I see it in my parents.  My dad especially.  He would remember everything, and I mean everything.  Could tell you in detail every hotel room he's ever been in, what exit number to take to get to a restaurant he's only been to once, and could always find his way around without a map or compass.  Just intuited it.  Well, everywhere except Knoxville, Iowa.  He'd always get turned around there. 

He's got a GPS now and appears to be incapacitated without it.  I want to tell him to turn the damn thing off and figure it out without his fancy toys.  I think as my parents have gotten older, and wealthier, they've become too reliant on technology.  They are both engineers so their brains are wired to find the simplest and easiest solution to a problem.  As of late, that's meant they buy gadgets to make life simpler and easier.  I'm not sure it works though.

I think some of it is natural.  As we get older the connections in our brains begin to break down, and that's fine.  That's the way it is supposed to work.  But I think we can accelerate the process by being lazy and letting machines do the work that we are more than capable of. 
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Offline mlinder

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Re: Mad cow
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2008, 09:59:10 PM »
I'm not that old, but I feel like I aged 40 years after my accident.
I plan on changing my door locks so they go the other way, and if I'm having a forgetful episode, I'll have forgotten where the key is to unlock the doors to go outside.
That way I'll stay safely locked up in my own house. No need to tattoo my address on my ass that way.