Author Topic: New England Fall Ride  (Read 2110 times)

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Offline frostypuck

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New England Fall Ride
« on: September 17, 2005, 04:22:01 PM »
Hey all,
On September 25th, the Mass. chapter of the British Iron Association ( are
having their annual Fall show and swap meet. These guys welcome all
bikes, and I emailed the event coordinator and he said we can bring as many bikes as will come. Even our Vintage Japanese ones.
With the fall rapidly approaching, I propose a ride to the BIA event
in Oxford,MA. It is convenient to Worcester, RI, CT etc., But I know a
route full of backroads and farm land to get there.
The show begins at 10am, (admission $7) and I'm planning on leaving
the Dunkin Donuts on Rt.1A in Walpole (1/2 mile south of intersection
of 1A and Rt.27) at 9:30 The planned route will take us thru Norfolk,
Franklin, Bellingham, Mendon and a bunch of small villages that I
don't know the name of. We'll cross 495 one time, and be close to the
Mass.Pike at one point if anyone wants to meet along the way. (email
me for specifics)
The planned route will take just over an hour, with some great
scenery, no highways, and light traffic.
Andy S. (andy750) will be coming down from the Roslindale/JP area, and Steve B.
will be coming from the metro west Medfield/ Natick direction if
anyone wants to join them.
Although the swap meet/ show is rain or shine, our ride will be
weather permitting. But if it does rain, I'll probably still go, I'll
just be in my cage.
Chris in Boston
Boston, MA, USA