None of this BS would have happened if Harper wasn't such an arrogant prick. Do I blame the opposition a bit, but the PM miscalculating how much more he could bully the others is his problem, I wonder who will be the sacrificial goat after this is over? Any how it looks to me as if Harper is 11 year old and started bullying the other kids and when they stood up to him he goes running to mommy( the GG) They are trying to hurt me Ms Jean, please don't let them. I don't know, but maybe it's time to draft some one else for the top job, Rick Hillier, Danny Williams, Don Cherry, etc, etc. I know, that I'm not in favour of some one who can't take his lumps after screwing up and as far as the Dion, Layton duo goes that is as scary as leaving Harper in power. Just read the bit about the GG allowing the H to suspend Parliament that cheezy bastard, the big H that is
Bill the demon