Well....was doing some research today and cruched some numbers. What if they would have given that bailout money back to the American people?

Check out what I found......UNREAL!!!
Part 1 of Eco Stimulus Bailout= $700 Billion Dollars
Part 2 of Eco Stimulus Bailout= $787 Billion Dollars
Total = $1,487,000,000.00 Trillion Dollars
2006 US Population = 305 Million People(everyone...babies and elderly)
2006 US Workforce = 151 Million People
1.487 Trillion Dollars / 305 Million People = $4,875.41 back to each person in the US!!
1.487 Trillion Dollars / 151 in the Workforce(tax payers) = $ 9,847.69 back to each tax payer in the US!!
What could you have done with an extra $9,847.69 back to you....in addition to your normal tax returns?

Buy a new car??
Pay on your Mortgage???
Maybe use as a down payment for a new house???
Most important....maybe buy a new bike?