Author Topic: orig finish on a cb750k8?  (Read 2090 times)

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Offline Quail "Owner of the comfortable k8"

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orig finish on a cb750k8?
« on: April 14, 2005, 08:58:22 PM »
The block and tranny appears to have a silver paint on it. The side covers on the left are unfinished alum. The valve cover is alum but looks like it has some kind of clear (now yellow clear) finish.  How did it come new? ???  Someone must know this answer?   Newbie in PA
« Last Edit: April 15, 2005, 08:19:49 PM by QUAIL »
These wonderful little birds are great flyers, delicious eating, excellent for training your hunting dog, and just fun to shoot,or stuff and keep around the house.  Bobwhites can be put with other types of Quail and have very large penis's.  Quail are very popular with the babes.


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Re: orig finish on a cb750k8?
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2005, 03:46:13 AM »
Hiya Quail. I notice that you haven't had any replies to your 'question'. Not being critical, but it looks like you started something in the middle of a sentence. Are you making a statement or asking for advice? Maybe a little bit of background would set the scene a bit better and stir the rest of the team into helping you. Cheers, Spear.

Offline Quail "Owner of the comfortable k8"

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Re: orig finish on a cb750k8?
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2005, 06:50:01 AM »
Now that I look at it it was poorly written.  The question I had in mind, when I should have been in bed. Has been answered in the   Question for painters  Thread.  my question was to be:  What was the" orig finish on a cb750k8?"  I get it, this is like Jeopardy, you have to write your thread in the form of a  question if you want an answer!  :D :D  ;D

Thanks for responding I wondered why no one would tell me and I have been straining my eyes on the greenspun threads figuring that it must be a question that has been asked so may times no one wanted to type it again.

Thanks again
These wonderful little birds are great flyers, delicious eating, excellent for training your hunting dog, and just fun to shoot,or stuff and keep around the house.  Bobwhites can be put with other types of Quail and have very large penis's.  Quail are very popular with the babes.


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Re: orig finish on a cb750k8?
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2005, 07:26:48 AM »
I have a K8 also and was wondering the same thing.

I accidentally oversprayed some carb cleaner and it dripped on the engine near the clutch.

The silver paint-finish came off and I wondered if this was factory paint or not.

I believe this is the factory finish, as I've gone up close to some 750's in town to compare.


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Re: orig finish on a cb750k8?
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2005, 04:00:26 AM »
"I believe this is the factory finish, as I've gone up close to some 750's in town to compare." Now isn't that a gem of a statement? It could only be made by a fellow SOHC owner who gives due respect and reverence to another's 750. And that's how everyone should approach a CB750 - with caution. People are allowed to get "up close" only to look, but NEVER touch. Way to go cjackel!  ;)