MCR to keep it simple,
Pick a spring pressure that suits your needs , bwaller and Rieks spot on ( 70 lbs stock type cam to 80 lbs steetable hot type cams, maybe more for full race type 10k plus))
you got the right tools to measure installed height, do that, then take your springs and specs to the local engine recon shop ( every recon shop in America will have a spring tester ) get them to check each spring ( use egg carton to keep springs seperate and numbered) should take 30 minutes flat $ wise
Go home and shim under the base to the installed height , ( big jay system works well on more technical installs but too many measurements that can go wrong for the old honda measurements)
Then install remembering to do three things,
1. Put the valve stem seals happens ask me.
2. close wound end of springs go to bottom ... both springs
3. After assembly tap the top of the valve to settle the collets and make sure alls well
Have a beer and worry about the next step..............only one though !