Hey guys for us it was "oh you were in the forces, What to Lazy to Work , to Nervous to Steal ?" and when I got out, the training and the work I did on A/C was belittled and I was told it didn't count (Air Canada, Pacific Western, etc all the same response) and when I was in, I went on Leave one time and was waiting in a pub at the bus station, two citizens started hassling me about wearing my uniform and giving me the gears about being a wimp or #$%* because I was in the RCAF after a minute or so I started to stand up ( and yes I was scared, there were two of them and they were as big as I was) when a voice piped up and said Pigeon you going on leave or coming off? I said going on he said no sweat you take off and let a "Pongo" take care of it I coming off leave and I need a ride back to the base, he said go on take off, these two #$%*s are no sweat and dove on them so I split. It's funny but after I got out the only job I could get was driving a lumber truck and on a delivery an older gentleman came over looked at my summer shirt and said in broken english had I been in the army I said no, airforce we talked a little more as I was delivering the lumber turns out he was ex Werhmacht so we discussed differences, he claimed sergeants were the worst, I claimed warrant officers, any how I had more in common with him than 80% of the civvies around and mostly people who have served I can get along with better than most of the civilian population. Enough.
Bill the demon.