Hi Jonnycbgood
Until your are measuring close to the same voltage at the positive battery terminal and the starter solenoid post there is no point in going any were else.
You started the bike using the electric starter. This indicates a good charge in the battery and a good connection between the battery and the starter. The starter solenoid is in the middle of this good connection.
I do not understand why you are measuring vastly different voltages at these two points that are or should be so well connected. TwoTired's idea of AC voltage caused by a bad rectifier sounds good. But I see no reason why you would measure reasonably good voltage at the solenoid and none at the battery. To check this disconnect the red with white tracer wire that goes from the regulator/rectifier to the starter solenoid. There should be a three connector plug. Just unplug it. Now start the bike and see what your volt meter claims the battery voltage is.
TomC in Ohio