I've seen some really inventive solutions to this problem, and I'm sure some will come up here, but I built my own shock compressor (Hmmmnnnn, I loaned it to SteveK0 awhile ago, and haven't seen it back yet.........

) and while it is probably overkill if this is the only set you'll pull apart, it's been an invaluable tool to me over the last 12 years, and I've still got my fingers and my eyes where God intended them, so for the price of some scrap steel and some welding practise, very worthwhile, IMHO.
The only problem that you'll have is that sure, you can select the best bodies and match them to the springs with the best chrome, but you can't pull the dampers apart and replace the seals and drain out the rusty muck that used to be oil once upon a time, so all you'll end up with is shiny 30+ year old pogo sticks with no damping capability.
If they're only for "show", then no problem, most of the show bikes out there aren't functional motorcycles anyway, but if you're gonna ride it, you might want to consider some quality after-market shocks, and hang your OEM ones up for when it comes time to sell it. Cheers, Terry.