I've read and collected the paperbacks of all the LJB "The Cat Who..." books over the years.
I'll tell ya, they've really degenerated in the last 3 or 4 books, IMHO. Not much in the way of plot, just a lot of 'small-town-isms' and everybody either owns or loves cats. Sigh. I think she's just going thru the motions anymore.
...sez the critic.

I also like the 'alphabet' series by Sue Grafton - A is for Alibi, B is for Burglar, etc.
Ditto the Bernie Rhodenbarr series of 'Burglar' books by Lawrence Block - Burglar in the Rye, The Burglar in the Library, etc.
Ditto the original James Bond stories by Ian Fleming.
Ditto the sci-fi stories by David Eddings.
And, my favorite author - Agatha Christie. I own 'em all, except a few of the 'lesser' plays she wrote.