I've read some of the usual suspects on the Vietnam War. I got to say that the one that stuck out the most for me was this one.

It gives you a glimpse of what it was like for a young village girl.
Another great book is this one.

This is a great story of a Vietnamese family that came to the U.S. after the war. The author is a very good writer. He chronicles his visit to Vietnam in the 1990s as a young adult, riding his bicycle from Saigon to Hanoi. During this, he describes his family's escape from Vietnam by boat, some of the hardships they went through right after the war and when they got to the U.S., and he compares and contrasts this new Vietnam with the one he remembers, and also with his life in the U.S. It's a book that made me laugh and cry.
A really good movie along these lines is this one. (The Youtube clip isn't showing up in the preview, but the movie is called
Journey from the Fall (2007).)
Many of us Americans forget that the war didn't end when America withdrew. For the Vietnamese in the South of Vietnam, life was hell in the commie's "re-education" camps.
These books and movie hit really close to home for me, because my girlfriend is Vietnamese, and her family had to go through this until they left Vietnam in 1994.