The thing about reusing cylinder studs is an unknown. How many times were your studs reused/retorqued? What kind of condition are they or will they be once removed? Twisted maybe? I have had my engine apart 3 times and it still has the original studs. It's had the 810 Yoshi kit with the Yoshi Daytona cam and stiff springs in it for 25,000 miles. Yes it has a head gasket leak. How many do not including stock engines?! Next tear down coming soon will have either my 900 Henry Abe kit or the APE 1000 kit and YES it will have HD cylinder studs and bottom end studs. I'm older, wiser, and I can afford this stuff now but this wasn't the case in 1976 when I blew it up.
I'm glad you finally got around to saying you were gonna use H/D studs Jerry, for a minute I thought this was gonna devolve into another "Oil Cooler" thread, ha ha!
Personally, I think the OEM studs are pisss-weak and are the reason for the majority of head gasket failures. I'd have very little hesitation in installing used H/D studs as long as you don't "score" them with your stud remover.
Regardless of how many times they've been torqued, they're still stronger, with much less "stretch" than the OEM studs, and the worst you're gonna do is bust one, but unless you accidentally add a "0" to the 25 ft/lb torque value, you'll be fine.
I'm gonna modify some valve covers like Jerry's for my "Hotrod" engines, last time I took my cam towers off to seal a leaky puck I saw that two of the original threads were starting to pull out, and while the drilling out/installing bigger screws/studs is a fine idea when using a bigger cam/heavier springs, the modified cam cover says, "Beware mere mortal, evil lurks within"! Ha ha, Cheers, Terry.