My wife is from a neighboring town to where the HOREX was built in Germany.. her mother worked in the factory after it closed, think Diamler bought it.
Anyway, in the village where she lived i got introduced to a collecter of Horex.. lots of NOS goodies, he also had a 24 Indian scout, and took me to another place showed me a Afrika Korps Beemer, (got to sit on it running

), a Zundapp twin, and a Schwimwagen..!!
Also got to chat with an old fellow that was a foreman in the machine shop for Horex, told me of people coming from all over Europe to pick up their rides.. I think they were around 85 per day..
Anyway the first fellow had a big Horex single, sorta Goldstarish, with the biggest freaking pipe you ever saw.. at least 2 1/4 in od or more.. cool bike..