That's really incredible. How do you make pics like that? Is it just that they're kind of high resolution, and exactly the same side by side, or...?
Hey kit! thanks. It really is foreheadslappingly obvious when explained. It gave me an offcourse! moment myself. The trick is to take two pictures side by side about 2,5 to 3 inces apart (the distance between your eyes!) and toe the camera in slightly (really what you're doing is picking a distinct point far away in the picture background and line it up center in the shot every time - pretty much the way your brain translates depth) If you were to do a search on ebay for "stereo camera" you will find a whole slew of camera's with two lenses on 'm that were used for this, but the same effect can be achieved by just moving your digital compact 2.5 to 3 inches over.
You can increase the distance between the two shots to give you a "hyperdepth" illusion but experimenting with that gave me a massive headache and itll become more difficult for your brain to make soup outta those. you can use this software ( for free to put the made pictures side by side and it will align them correctly (hold down ctrl to select first a left and then a right picture.. was ready to throw my pc across the room before I figured that one out. if the stereo effect doesnt look right, swap your left and right picture; you're looking at it crosseyed remember?) if you're a bit off (part of the difficulty lies in keeping the camera at exactly the same horizontal point) and voila. I made a plastic thingamabob on which to slide the camera after the first shot so I wouldnt have to guess whether or not its still on the same horizontal line.
They used to make these back in the day for stereoviewing and its the same principle as used in viewmaster viewers.
Glad you liked 'm!