Author Topic: Marvellous engine product?  (Read 4893 times)

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Offline kayaker43

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Re: Marvellous engine product?
« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2008, 08:46:43 AM »
Here's one of my favorites. Find a full synthetic two stroke oil made for high ratios like 100:1, (I use Amsoil) then mix it at 250:1 and use it as a fuel additive in your four stroke. I've done this on many bikes and no miracle results, but most seem to idle better.

I see it as cheap insurance and it can't possibly hurt anything. Here's the benefits as I see them.

Protects tank from rust
Lubricates carb slides, valve guides, seals and rings.
May help cushion valves since they took the lead out of fuel.
Actually seems to prevent carbon build up
Helps prevent rust on cyl. walls in storage.
Smells cool, and confuses the rider behind you.

Full synthetic marine oil probably has more rust preventatives if that's your main concern?

Offline moham

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Re: Marvellous engine product?
« Reply #26 on: December 21, 2008, 11:10:34 AM »
Here's one of my favorites. Find a full synthetic two stroke oil made for high ratios like 100:1, (I use Amsoil) then mix it at 250:1 and use it as a fuel additive in your four stroke. I've done this on many bikes and no miracle results, but most seem to idle better.

I see it as cheap insurance and it can't possibly hurt anything. Here's the benefits as I see them.

Isn't this also a method of treating new exhaust pipes? Thought I had seen that before...
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Offline BobbyR

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Re: Marvellous engine product?
« Reply #27 on: December 21, 2008, 11:32:04 AM »
It is a great product and has no friction modifiers:

Ingredients from MSDS/Label
Chemical   CAS No / Unique ID                                      Percent

o-Dichlorobenzene                                                     000095-50-1   0-1

Stoddard solvent                                                             008052-41-3   20-30

Hydrotreated heavy naphthenic distillate solvent extract     064742-52-5   70-80

White spirit, also known as Stoddard solvent, is a paraffin-derived clear, transparent liquid which is a common organic solvent used in painting and decorating. In 1924, an Atlanta dry cleaner named W. J. Stoddard worked with Lloyd E. Jackson of the Mellon Research Institute to develop specifications for a less volatile dry cleaning solvent as an alternative to more volatile petroleum solvents. Dry cleaners began using it in 1928 and it was the predominant dry cleaning solvent in the United States from the late 1920s until the late 1950s.

White spirit is used as an extraction solvent, as a cleaning solvent, as a degreasing solvent and as a solvent in aerosols, paints, wood preservatives, lacquers, varnishes, and asphalt products. In western Europe about 60% of the total white spirit consumption is used in paints, lacquers and varnishes
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