Things are getting interesting

My web site is still paying the bills, but I'm bored

The US exchange rate has drastically cut into my gross $$$ as well.
Between a $2400.00 dental bridge in 2 weeks, $3000.00 in property taxes and another $1200.00 to have my Tracy 836 engine rebuilt again I decided it was time to pull my idea out of my back pocket and do something with it.
On Monday morning I had a meeting with the guy on Island who has the "fastest bicycle" on the planet and also holds a few patents. I showed him my "deer collision warning" device concept.
He spun around in his chair slowly a couple of times looking at a picture and finally stopped and said I was brilliant

Now it's been a while since anyone has accused me of that so I used that positive feedback to fuel my next step.
Anyone seen the movie 6 degrees of separation?
Theory is.......... within 6 people you should be able to get a hold of anyone you want.
I set my goal on Monday of having lunch with the one of the richest men in Canada, someone whose holdings and group of companies was exactly what this product needs. "The emails I received back from overseas regarding manufacturing were over my head"
I called my Best friend in Vancouver and told him I wanted to take.___________ out to lunch. He has known me since we were 5, so he didn't even blink at my request. "Buddy is a corporate travel agent now"
He emailed ________ right arm person within 15 Min's.
Before lunch I had called her and left a message on her personal phone line along with an email that included I was once.__________s' .paper boy in the 70's and in fact had helped him put up his Christmas lights one year. and I had an idea. (BIG CHRISTMAS LIGHTS) Anyone from Vancouver should know who I'm talking about now, but I would appreciate it if you did not mention it here just yet.
She called me back!!!!!!!! We had a chat.
Next Day, Tues morning at 7:00 am, I received an email from her and she was going to have the President of their sign Division give me a call. After not one wink of sleep that night I received a call from the President of one of ____________s' companies. We had a chat. He is now bringing together their automobile division, sign division, lighting division, R & D division and Legal for discussions on how to proceed.
On closing he said
thank you for bringing this to us 1st, he was keen and will get back to me early next week

Not a bad 24 hours

I just had to let it OUT!!!!!!!!!!
It may not save as many lives as seat belts, but it will certainly do more for mankind than intermittent windshield wipers

I may fall flat on my face, I may not. It's the trying that counts.