I received:
1. $$$ for a new leather motorcycle jacket. (not sure what to get yet - maybe the FirstGear Scout IV jacket)
2. A bottle of The Macallan 18 year old!
3. A bottle of LAPHROAIG 15 year old!
4. A huge set of Craftsman screw drivers.
5. A few books that I have been wanting (one of them is How to build a 32 Deuce)
6. Some clothes.
7. Tarrozi rearsets!
8. Omaha Steaks gift pack.
9. US Mint $1 Presidental sets (2007 and 2008)
10. CDs and DVDs
11. 2 dozen Titlest Pro V1 golf balls.
12. miscellaneous gift cards.
I guess I was good this year.